
Story Kitchen offers classes and workshops for new and experienced writers. Confused about where you fit? Contact us! We can advise you about classes tailored to your level.

Coming in June! Story from Beginning to End

Write a short story in a weekend, even if you’ve never written one before!

In this two-day, eight-hour intensive clinic, you’ll produce a short story from ideation to completion. By the end of the class, you’ll have a finished, revised story as well as a list of markets you can submit it to. You’ll learn techniques for brainstorming and developing a story idea, how to think about your story structure, revision tools, and a lost of markets to submit your story. Class materials will be made available in a written format before the class begins. All students will be invited to join the Story Kitchen Discord. Class will meet over Zoom. Enrollment is limited.

Level: Recommended for writers new to short story writing.

Cost: $129.00

Dates: June 26 and 27 2021

Introduction to Speculative Fiction Writing

If you’re brand new to writing and to writing genre fiction specifically, this course is for you! Structured along the lines of a university course, it’s packed with resources and references that you can peruse at your own pace. It’s like a semester sampler! The exercises are designed to help you build on skills. They’re more fun to do together, so find a friend to take this course with, or join our Discord with the invite that comes with the course! Bonus: a module on how to submit short stories in top SFF markets.

Online Workshops

Story Kitchen Online Workshops are cohort-based, multi-week experiences based on formats used in intensive in-person programs like the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Workshop, the Taos Toolbox, and the Odyssey Writing Workshop, designed to be more accessible to a broader group of writers.

Level: Experienced.

Revising Your Novel

This five-week hybrid virtual/live cohort-based course will guide you through the process of revising your novel, with weekly assignments and guidance from the instructor. There will be opportunities for peer critique at crucial moments.

Level: Intermediate. For writers who have a completed or close to completed novel draft.

30 Days of Nano Prep

Warm up your writing muscles for Nanowrimo, the annual novel-writing event in November! This virtual and community-supported class offers daily video lessons and prompts, exercises, and ideas to get to you in the right headspace to dive into an intense month of writing!

Level: Any

Writing for Interactive Experiences

Learn the principles for writing for games, VR/AR experiences, immersive theater, and interactive fiction. In this course you will produce a piece of interactive writing and experiment with different approaches and ideas.

Level: Any.